Question 1. Using a for loop, write a function to calculate the number of zeroes in a numeric vector. Before entering the loop, set up a counter variable counter <- 0. Inside the loop, add 1 to counter each time you have a zero in the vector. Finally, use return(counter) for the output.

  counter <- 0
vector <- c(0,1,2,0,7,8,0,9,9,4,5,0)
counting_zeroes <- function(vector) {
  for (i in vector) {
    if (i == 0) {
      counter <- counter + 1

## [1] 4

Question 2. Use subsetting instead of a loop to rewrite the function as a single line of code.

zero_subset <- function(vector) {
  return(sum(vector == 0))

## [1] 4

Question 3.

mtrx <- function(rows,cols) {
  result <- matrix(nrow=rows,ncol=cols)
  for (i in 1:rows) {
    for (j in 1:cols) {
      result[i,j] <- i*j

rows <- 4
cols <- 5
final_matrix <- mtrx(rows,cols)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    1    2    3    4    5
## [2,]    2    4    6    8   10
## [3,]    3    6    9   12   15
## [4,]    4    8   12   16   20

Question 4a.

n <- 100
means <- c(50,75,100)
group <- rep(1:3, each=n)
response <- c(rnorm(n,mean=means[1]),

# making a data fram!
MyData <- data.frame(group, response)
## function (..., list = character(), package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, 
##     verbose = getOption("verbose"), envir = .GlobalEnv, overwrite = TRUE) 
## {
##     fileExt <- function(x) {
##         db <- grepl("\\.[^.]+\\.(gz|bz2|xz)$", x)
##         ans <- sub(".*\\.", "", x)
##         ans[db] <- sub(".*\\.([^.]+\\.)(gz|bz2|xz)$", "\\1\\2", 
##             x[db])
##         ans
##     }
##     my_read_table <- function(...) {
##         lcc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_COLLATE")
##         on.exit(Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", lcc))
##         Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
##         read.table(...)
##     }
##     names <- c(as.character(substitute(list(...))[-1L]), list)
##     if (!is.null(package)) {
##         if (!is.character(package)) 
##             stop("'package' must be a character string or NULL")
##         if (FALSE) {
##             if (any(package %in% "base")) 
##                 warning("datasets have been moved from package 'base' to package 'datasets'")
##             if (any(package %in% "stats")) 
##                 warning("datasets have been moved from package 'stats' to package 'datasets'")
##             package[package %in% c("base", "stats")] <- "datasets"
##         }
##     }
##     paths <- find.package(package, lib.loc, verbose = verbose)
##     if (is.null(lib.loc)) 
##         paths <- c(path.package(package, TRUE), if (!length(package)) getwd(), 
##             paths)
##     paths <- unique(normalizePath(paths[file.exists(paths)]))
##     paths <- paths[dir.exists(file.path(paths, "data"))]
##     dataExts <- tools:::.make_file_exts("data")
##     if (length(names) == 0L) {
##         db <- matrix(character(), nrow = 0L, ncol = 4L)
##         for (path in paths) {
##             entries <- NULL
##             packageName <- if (file_test("-f", file.path(path, 
##                 "DESCRIPTION"))) 
##                 basename(path)
##             else "."
##             if (file_test("-f", INDEX <- file.path(path, "Meta", 
##                 "data.rds"))) {
##                 entries <- readRDS(INDEX)
##             }
##             else {
##                 dataDir <- file.path(path, "data")
##                 entries <- tools::list_files_with_type(dataDir, 
##                   "data")
##                 if (length(entries)) {
##                   entries <- unique(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(entries)))
##                   entries <- cbind(entries, "")
##                 }
##             }
##             if (NROW(entries)) {
##                 if (is.matrix(entries) && ncol(entries) == 2L) 
##                   db <- rbind(db, cbind(packageName, dirname(path), 
##                     entries))
##                 else warning(gettextf("data index for package %s is invalid and will be ignored", 
##                   sQuote(packageName)), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
##             }
##         }
##         colnames(db) <- c("Package", "LibPath", "Item", "Title")
##         footer <- if (missing(package)) 
##             paste0("Use ", sQuote(paste("data(package =", ".packages(all.available = TRUE))")), 
##                 "\n", "to list the data sets in all *available* packages.")
##         else NULL
##         y <- list(title = "Data sets", header = NULL, results = db, 
##             footer = footer)
##         class(y) <- "packageIQR"
##         return(y)
##     }
##     paths <- file.path(paths, "data")
##     for (name in names) {
##         found <- FALSE
##         for (p in paths) {
##             tmp_env <- if (overwrite) 
##                 envir
##             else new.env()
##             if (file_test("-f", file.path(p, "Rdata.rds"))) {
##                 rds <- readRDS(file.path(p, "Rdata.rds"))
##                 if (name %in% names(rds)) {
##                   found <- TRUE
##                   if (verbose) 
##                     message(sprintf("name=%s:\t found in Rdata.rds", 
##                       name), domain = NA)
##                   thispkg <- sub(".*/([^/]*)/data$", "\\1", p)
##                   thispkg <- sub("_.*$", "", thispkg)
##                   thispkg <- paste0("package:", thispkg)
##                   objs <- rds[[name]]
##                   lazyLoad(file.path(p, "Rdata"), envir = tmp_env, 
##                     filter = function(x) x %in% objs)
##                   break
##                 }
##                 else if (verbose) 
##                   message(sprintf("name=%s:\t NOT found in names() of Rdata.rds, i.e.,\n\t%s\n", 
##                     name, paste(names(rds), collapse = ",")), 
##                     domain = NA)
##             }
##             if (file_test("-f", file.path(p, ""))) {
##                 warning("zipped data found for package ", sQuote(basename(dirname(p))), 
##                   ".\nThat is defunct, so please re-install the package.", 
##                   domain = NA)
##                 if (file_test("-f", fp <- file.path(p, "filelist"))) 
##                   files <- file.path(p, scan(fp, what = "", quiet = TRUE))
##                 else {
##                   warning(gettextf("file 'filelist' is missing for directory %s", 
##                     sQuote(p)), domain = NA)
##                   next
##                 }
##             }
##             else {
##                 files <- list.files(p, full.names = TRUE)
##             }
##             files <- files[grep(name, files, fixed = TRUE)]
##             if (length(files) > 1L) {
##                 o <- match(fileExt(files), dataExts, nomatch = 100L)
##                 paths0 <- dirname(files)
##                 paths0 <- factor(paths0, levels = unique(paths0))
##                 files <- files[order(paths0, o)]
##             }
##             if (length(files)) {
##                 for (file in files) {
##                   if (verbose) 
##                     message("name=", name, ":\t file= ...", .Platform$file.sep, 
##                       basename(file), "::\t", appendLF = FALSE, 
##                       domain = NA)
##                   ext <- fileExt(file)
##                   if (basename(file) != paste0(name, ".", ext)) 
##                     found <- FALSE
##                   else {
##                     found <- TRUE
##                     zfile <- file
##                     zipname <- file.path(dirname(file), "")
##                     if (file.exists(zipname)) {
##                       Rdatadir <- tempfile("Rdata")
##                       dir.create(Rdatadir, showWarnings = FALSE)
##                       topic <- basename(file)
##                       rc <- .External(C_unzip, zipname, topic, 
##                         Rdatadir, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
##                       if (rc == 0L) 
##                         zfile <- file.path(Rdatadir, topic)
##                     }
##                     if (zfile != file) 
##                       on.exit(unlink(zfile))
##                     switch(ext, R = , r = {
##                       library("utils")
##                       sys.source(zfile, chdir = TRUE, envir = tmp_env)
##                     }, RData = , rdata = , rda = load(zfile, 
##                       envir = tmp_env), TXT = , txt = , tab = , 
##                       tab.gz = , tab.bz2 = , tab.xz = , txt.gz = , 
##                       txt.bz2 = , txt.xz = assign(name, my_read_table(zfile, 
##                         header = TRUE, = FALSE), envir = tmp_env), 
##                       CSV = , csv = , csv.gz = , csv.bz2 = , 
##                       csv.xz = assign(name, my_read_table(zfile, 
##                         header = TRUE, sep = ";", = FALSE), 
##                         envir = tmp_env), found <- FALSE)
##                   }
##                   if (found) 
##                     break
##                 }
##                 if (verbose) 
##                   message(if (!found) 
##                     "*NOT* ", "found", domain = NA)
##             }
##             if (found) 
##                 break
##         }
##         if (!found) {
##             warning(gettextf("data set %s not found", sQuote(name)), 
##                 domain = NA)
##         }
##         else if (!overwrite) {
##             for (o in ls(envir = tmp_env, all.names = TRUE)) {
##                 if (exists(o, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)) 
##                   warning(gettextf("an object named %s already exists and will not be overwritten", 
##                     sQuote(o)))
##                 else assign(o, get(o, envir = tmp_env, inherits = FALSE), 
##                   envir = envir)
##             }
##             rm(tmp_env)
##         }
##     }
##     invisible(names)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x7fb8a4c1dd90>
## <environment: namespace:utils>

Question 4b.

# first I need to reshuffle the data and THEN get the means again
reshuffle_time <- function(MyData){
  for (i in MyData) {
    shuffleresponse <- sample(MyData[,2])
    # then I make a new frame
    data_2 <- data.frame(group,shuffleresponse)
    # NOW i get the means
    group_1mean <- mean(data_2[1:n,2])
    group_2mean <- mean(data_2[n:(2*n),2])
    group_3mean <- mean(data_2[(2*n):(3*n),2])
  new_means <-  data.frame(group_1mean, group_2mean, group_3mean)

##   group_1mean group_2mean group_3mean
## 1    74.09539    77.13599    73.53254

Question 4c.

## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 4.1.2
## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.1.2
## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.1.2
## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.1.2
## Warning: package 'stringr' was built under R version 4.1.2
## Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 4.1.2
## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## âś” dplyr     1.1.3     âś” readr     2.1.4
## âś” forcats   1.0.0     âś” stringr   1.5.0
## âś” ggplot2   3.4.4     âś” tibble    3.2.1
## âś” lubridate 1.9.3     âś” tidyr     1.3.0
## âś” purrr     1.0.2     
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## âś– dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## âś– dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## â„ą Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
# using a for loop to replicate these 100 times :)

loopy <- function(MyData) {
  MyResults <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=n,ncol=4))
  colnames(MyResults) <- c("replicate", "group_1mean", "group_2mean", "group_3mean")
  # n = 100 in this case
  for (i in 1:n) {
    new_means <- reshuffle_time(MyData) # bringing back this function
    MyResults[i,1:4] <- c(i,new_means)
  # what are we returning???? RESULTS

n = 100 # like i said before

answer <- loopy(MyData)
##     replicate group_1mean group_2mean group_3mean
## 1           1    73.03579    78.27858    73.93989
## 2           2    73.31962    73.74516    77.65652
## 3           3    74.72534    75.62119    74.64805
## 4           4    74.24647    75.24336    75.26631
## 5           5    74.24632    75.12712    75.39177
## 6           6    74.24422    73.16636    77.57096
## 7           7    74.22138    75.36772    75.41047
## 8           8    75.99062    75.24609    74.01975
## 9           9    73.79588    76.55190    74.64275
## 10         10    75.23301    75.02481    74.76623
## 11         11    71.26861    79.19517    75.01353
## 12         12    72.71910    77.00207    75.75260
## 13         13    74.91605    74.90706    75.43609
## 14         14    75.94677    76.20286    72.89015
## 15         15    77.20937    72.04018    76.00809
## 16         16    72.19455    77.75893    75.03619
## 17         17    76.76948    76.45579    72.05889
## 18         18    75.28018    74.23868    75.75242
## 19         19    71.94252    79.55517    73.73177
## 20         20    76.67572    73.27983    75.07275
## 21         21    75.48562    73.05360    76.73477
## 22         22    73.97177    76.58468    74.69191
## 23         23    75.60126    75.14381    73.77726
## 24         24    72.99169    75.33177    76.67847
## 25         25    72.02563    75.99832    77.20503
## 26         26    72.34015    75.62186    77.50801
## 27         27    76.28498    74.78733    74.18611
## 28         28    74.01963    78.17370    73.04016
## 29         29    76.48359    75.52728    73.02490
## 30         30    75.38845    74.70979    75.18597
## 31         31    74.47664    74.36040    75.94702
## 32         32    74.31417    74.76252    75.92916
## 33         33    76.73764    73.47091    74.84206
## 34         34    75.01884    74.01227    75.49204
## 35         35    76.55690    74.45869    74.25036
## 36         36    73.24272    74.87953    76.86857
## 37         37    72.37760    74.27080    77.83824
## 38         38    75.28253    71.84985    77.86397
## 39         39    75.51594    72.69426    76.57909
## 40         40    73.89660    74.61655    76.73209
## 41         41    73.47252    76.05850    75.20858
## 42         42    74.23773    73.38606    77.63742
## 43         43    73.24160    74.44604    77.30885
## 44         44    74.32227    76.70038    73.74904
## 45         45    77.65596    74.61641    73.04446
## 46         46    73.62802    75.71158    76.14214
## 47         47    77.37765    72.38110    75.31055
## 48         48    71.26674    78.70318    74.99209
## 49         49    75.15302    74.00704    75.84121
## 50         50    75.97539    72.52280    76.77211
## 51         51    73.78495    73.46497    77.99244
## 52         52    74.84510    73.84327    76.54843
## 53         53    73.80573    75.47857    76.18067
## 54         54    75.77924    75.02350    74.69911
## 55         55    75.37601    73.81581    76.29940
## 56         56    77.80022    72.79944    74.68316
## 57         57    74.61080    75.40034    75.01093
## 58         58    74.06123    75.68152    75.50049
## 59         59    78.14745    71.48720    75.15814
## 60         60    74.36578    71.77031    78.38867
## 61         61    73.83909    75.30956    76.33568
## 62         62    73.68212    74.74963    77.04984
## 63         63    75.93036    74.75924    74.09020
## 64         64    77.37170    75.84883    71.58910
## 65         65    75.64885    75.70930    74.14621
## 66         66    76.88513    76.61649    71.52817
## 67         67    74.52163    75.61303    74.87636
## 68         68    76.60692    76.99509    71.65767
## 69         69    74.87275    74.71218    75.91618
## 70         70    73.13549    77.91079    74.43465
## 71         71    76.07187    75.15046    73.56037
## 72         72    76.32747    73.03994    76.14031
## 73         73    72.70055    76.69327    76.08018
## 74         74    77.25663    73.48390    73.80977
## 75         75    76.10849    75.17359    73.97368
## 76         76    75.74900    72.29862    76.71627
## 77         77    78.12120    75.88196    71.04105
## 78         78    76.17532    78.11187    70.99145
## 79         79    72.54799    78.13577    74.03450
## 80         80    72.33178    76.16852    76.73985
## 81         81    74.25001    74.47743    76.03520
## 82         82    76.82076    72.18028    75.54255
## 83         83    79.71106    75.73811    69.83519
## 84         84    74.11315    75.78415    75.12748
## 85         85    75.33965    72.64756    77.01908
## 86         86    76.89028    73.52794    74.85080
## 87         87    74.24863    74.72997    76.27284
## 88         88    75.36040    74.42311    74.98939
## 89         89    76.19982    73.00493    75.55743
## 90         90    75.96966    76.09004    72.98997
## 91         91    76.22718    76.21414    72.35597
## 92         92    73.42373    75.13126    76.43760
## 93         93    74.47383    76.12477    74.42984
## 94         94    76.54490    75.90451    72.79999
## 95         95    78.69900    74.28508    72.06729
## 96         96    76.44119    75.20503    73.37100
## 97         97    72.18978    77.00957    75.80420
## 98         98    78.43106    75.05458    71.79408
## 99         99    70.73027    77.36763    76.39787
## 100       100    76.07574    72.81155    76.12664

Question 4d.

# time to make a nice looking plot that you can fill with whatever group you want to look at
##     replicate group_1mean group_2mean group_3mean
## 1           1    73.03579    78.27858    73.93989
## 2           2    73.31962    73.74516    77.65652
## 3           3    74.72534    75.62119    74.64805
## 4           4    74.24647    75.24336    75.26631
## 5           5    74.24632    75.12712    75.39177
## 6           6    74.24422    73.16636    77.57096
## 7           7    74.22138    75.36772    75.41047
## 8           8    75.99062    75.24609    74.01975
## 9           9    73.79588    76.55190    74.64275
## 10         10    75.23301    75.02481    74.76623
## 11         11    71.26861    79.19517    75.01353
## 12         12    72.71910    77.00207    75.75260
## 13         13    74.91605    74.90706    75.43609
## 14         14    75.94677    76.20286    72.89015
## 15         15    77.20937    72.04018    76.00809
## 16         16    72.19455    77.75893    75.03619
## 17         17    76.76948    76.45579    72.05889
## 18         18    75.28018    74.23868    75.75242
## 19         19    71.94252    79.55517    73.73177
## 20         20    76.67572    73.27983    75.07275
## 21         21    75.48562    73.05360    76.73477
## 22         22    73.97177    76.58468    74.69191
## 23         23    75.60126    75.14381    73.77726
## 24         24    72.99169    75.33177    76.67847
## 25         25    72.02563    75.99832    77.20503
## 26         26    72.34015    75.62186    77.50801
## 27         27    76.28498    74.78733    74.18611
## 28         28    74.01963    78.17370    73.04016
## 29         29    76.48359    75.52728    73.02490
## 30         30    75.38845    74.70979    75.18597
## 31         31    74.47664    74.36040    75.94702
## 32         32    74.31417    74.76252    75.92916
## 33         33    76.73764    73.47091    74.84206
## 34         34    75.01884    74.01227    75.49204
## 35         35    76.55690    74.45869    74.25036
## 36         36    73.24272    74.87953    76.86857
## 37         37    72.37760    74.27080    77.83824
## 38         38    75.28253    71.84985    77.86397
## 39         39    75.51594    72.69426    76.57909
## 40         40    73.89660    74.61655    76.73209
## 41         41    73.47252    76.05850    75.20858
## 42         42    74.23773    73.38606    77.63742
## 43         43    73.24160    74.44604    77.30885
## 44         44    74.32227    76.70038    73.74904
## 45         45    77.65596    74.61641    73.04446
## 46         46    73.62802    75.71158    76.14214
## 47         47    77.37765    72.38110    75.31055
## 48         48    71.26674    78.70318    74.99209
## 49         49    75.15302    74.00704    75.84121
## 50         50    75.97539    72.52280    76.77211
## 51         51    73.78495    73.46497    77.99244
## 52         52    74.84510    73.84327    76.54843
## 53         53    73.80573    75.47857    76.18067
## 54         54    75.77924    75.02350    74.69911
## 55         55    75.37601    73.81581    76.29940
## 56         56    77.80022    72.79944    74.68316
## 57         57    74.61080    75.40034    75.01093
## 58         58    74.06123    75.68152    75.50049
## 59         59    78.14745    71.48720    75.15814
## 60         60    74.36578    71.77031    78.38867
## 61         61    73.83909    75.30956    76.33568
## 62         62    73.68212    74.74963    77.04984
## 63         63    75.93036    74.75924    74.09020
## 64         64    77.37170    75.84883    71.58910
## 65         65    75.64885    75.70930    74.14621
## 66         66    76.88513    76.61649    71.52817
## 67         67    74.52163    75.61303    74.87636
## 68         68    76.60692    76.99509    71.65767
## 69         69    74.87275    74.71218    75.91618
## 70         70    73.13549    77.91079    74.43465
## 71         71    76.07187    75.15046    73.56037
## 72         72    76.32747    73.03994    76.14031
## 73         73    72.70055    76.69327    76.08018
## 74         74    77.25663    73.48390    73.80977
## 75         75    76.10849    75.17359    73.97368
## 76         76    75.74900    72.29862    76.71627
## 77         77    78.12120    75.88196    71.04105
## 78         78    76.17532    78.11187    70.99145
## 79         79    72.54799    78.13577    74.03450
## 80         80    72.33178    76.16852    76.73985
## 81         81    74.25001    74.47743    76.03520
## 82         82    76.82076    72.18028    75.54255
## 83         83    79.71106    75.73811    69.83519
## 84         84    74.11315    75.78415    75.12748
## 85         85    75.33965    72.64756    77.01908
## 86         86    76.89028    73.52794    74.85080
## 87         87    74.24863    74.72997    76.27284
## 88         88    75.36040    74.42311    74.98939
## 89         89    76.19982    73.00493    75.55743
## 90         90    75.96966    76.09004    72.98997
## 91         91    76.22718    76.21414    72.35597
## 92         92    73.42373    75.13126    76.43760
## 93         93    74.47383    76.12477    74.42984
## 94         94    76.54490    75.90451    72.79999
## 95         95    78.69900    74.28508    72.06729
## 96         96    76.44119    75.20503    73.37100
## 97         97    72.18978    77.00957    75.80420
## 98         98    78.43106    75.05458    71.79408
## 99         99    70.73027    77.36763    76.39787
## 100       100    76.07574    72.81155    76.12664
answer_plot <- qplot(data=answer,
              main="Group Means",
              xlim=c(0,100), # repeats 100x
              ylim=c(0,100), # my means go up to 100
              # now we let ppl know which group we're looking at
              ylab="Group 1 Mean Value")
## Warning: `qplot()` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).